The Holy Bible Of Consciousness

Scott Stirling

efore man can evolve he must know what he is. The whole of creation is the same Consciousness reflecting or perceiving through different instruments or vehicles. Therefore, Consciousness does not evolve. It is eternal, but the degree of Consciousness in any individual vehicle varies with the given physical abilities and the development or evolution of this tool and abilities. So “man” can be said to be the name for a certain kind of receiver of the one, eternal, unchanging Consciousness.

consciousness MANifested

“Him, by whose inspiration, by whose power, and on whom depending, the Knower of the field directs the active principle in all creatures and by whose power is impelled the Self, that is the doer and enjoyer in this world – that Hari, the destroyer of the darkness of Samsara, I praise.” (Sri Shankara, A.D. 788)

My Father and I Are One


Can you stop for a moment and be still?
Can you overcome your body with your will?
But is your body all that moves?
Or are your thoughts moving through your grooves?
Can you still the mind and be?
It’s not that easy you will see
But it’s the only way to Me
And only through Me can you be free

Holy Bible


A Note for the Scientist of Life:

The nescience, or no science state of existence, or ignorance is removed through the agency of a science which ultimately will destroy itself. What is left with the man is Pure Awareness in which there can be no question of Knowledge, lack of Knowledge, or no Knowledge. This means that the science and nescience are the manifest powers in man through which he deals with the relative level of existence and consciousness and remains aware and sometimes unaware. So when he became unaware, then the science could not exercise its power over the nescience; and when he became aware of the relative field, then the nescience could not overshadow science.  

But science and nescience are both the powers in manifestation – that is material power. But if the science becomes purer and purer, that means it is developing towards Absolute Awareness or Absolute Science; and when the groove-ridden or conditioned vehicle of perception that is lower man or mind, begins to know that the whole field, unseen and seen, is one Absolute Existence, Consciousness and Bliss, one homogeneity, then at that time the science is said to have destroyed itself and transformation into Pure Awareness, the One, the rest, the peace, the God.  

The scientific mind which grasps this principle of Reality will be like a jug of water in the ocean. The jug is now grasping the water, but unless the jug itself becomes water the TRANSFORMATION hasn’t taken place.

Einstein’s Law of Relativity (E=mc2) proves for those who know:


The apparent difference is due to the different rate of vibration. HENCE Everything is from God, Through God,
And for God. IS – NESS.

What is Consciousness?

Consciousness is perception. Perception of what? Perception of itself. Therefore the quality of any individual consciousness is determined or exposed by its limited perception of what it is. Unlimited of Pure Perception of the Self is called Pure Awareness. This is the Pure State of Being – no limited identification with the body, personality, mind, ego, and so on … the State of GODHOOD or FREEDOM. The true purpose of a school must be dual. Namely: 1) To uplift the grooves or limitations on the plate of the mind. This is done through the mind itself. 2) To increase the power of perception, or Consciousness, or Kundalini, or spiritual awareness in the nervous system. Both of these aspects must go together or the total release or perfection of the man’s Consciousness will not take place. Many schools offer one or the other but rare is the school that offers both. And rarer still is the pupil-less teacher.

Part I – 1. The Path of Joy

1.  The path of light is all joy.
2.  There is no conflict – only apparently.
3.  Every turn is for a higher high.
4.  High and low are relative terms created by relative minds.
5.  Relative means in relation to something. You means Beyond.
6.  Don’t be watching the unreal shadows on the wall.

Keep your attention with the fire of Life whose light causes the reflection we see.

Part I – 2. Vibrations

1.  Everything we perceive through our senses is Consciousness or the Self vibrating at a different rate.
2.  Our body also vibrates at a particular rate and everything we eat or put into our body affects our vibrations. Everything we touch affects us. Everything that is touched by us is affected also. Our own thoughts rise and are perceived through our particular vibration.
3.  Therefore, mental images and impressions which we “eat” through our minds are also very important. If you swim in a turbulent ocean, the body will be tossed and thrown. This is a grosser example of the same principle.
4.  So the scientist who is aiming to master the mind, and therefore become a master of living the Life, since we know mind is the source of all happiness and sorrow, will cultivate his vibrations to be finer and finer.
5.  First he will take higher energies through his body’s food, and he will take higher energies through his mental food. He will be with persons of higher vibratory frequencies so that his own vibratory rate will be raised and he will repel negativity which is the greatest fragmentor of energy.
6.  Definition of Negativity: that power which drags the mind into duality and destroys the harmony and ONENESS.

Part I – 3. The Rational Mind

1. What is the rational mind? Can we trust the rational mind? Is “right” a concept perceived through our limited understanding? Was Judas doing right from his own point of view?
2. Once we act, we are subject to the karma (law of cause and effect) of our actions. If we illegally smuggle something, we put this body into the field of cause and effect of that game.
3. Therefore, if we want to attain the highest goal, we must be aware with the freedom of this body so we have the ability to flow anywhere, anytime.
4. This also means freedom of mind. The mind must have less attachments, which is another word for limitations.
5. Therefore, the discriminative power in man can be used to give the mind useful attachments, such as good diet and good things which help evolve the mind and body.
6. And this power can be used also to reject useless attachments which are not good for growth. This does not mean the things themselves should necessarily be thrown away, but if the situation arises for these things to be left somewhere else, they can be.
7. Attachment is duality as there are no two things separate in reality.
8. Definition of Attachment: the power which keeps the mind in the field of believing itself separate from something else. Once we know the Self is everywhereness, there remains nothing to which we can be attached. And there remains nobody to have attachment.

Part I – 4. The Nature of the World

1. The nature of the world is to evolve the understanding towards the Self.
2. Therefore, there is no good and bad. It just IS going on, like inside a huge mind – the Cosmic Chitt.
3. All our problems arise when we believe ourselves individual or real in the dream. We have set up our mental functioning with this belief. We know how hard it is to break habits and what is more habitual than our mental grooves?
4. Therefore, we have to be scientific and patient to break these mental habits.
5. This process requires great energy to bring the mind to a fully concentrated degree.
6. The strength of the mind depends on silence in the nervous system and this silence and power of silence will come if we tune the physical body.
7. If the power comes and the body is not tuned, the result is DIS-EASE.
8. Do not drive 120 mph in a car that will fall apart at 60 mph. BE SCIENTIFIC! BE CONSCIOUS!

Part I – 5. Quality of Energy

1. A strange contradiction is that the less energy we have, the more action and less mental functioning we want. Our witnessing “I” or Self, which is the awareness of our perception, becomes less or lost.
2. Physical energy is the lowest form of energy, but the finer energies are dependent on the nervous system which does need some movement and exercise. This finer energy is like the pashmina from the Kashmir wool.
3. Consciousness is all energy but because we do not know what we are, we have closed our channels.
4. Those who have lost themselves in the illusion of matter have limited themselves to the grossest forms of energy, and for stimulation these egos need more violent vibrations. This is reflected maybe in his “sports” – in his sex, in his pleasures, and in his appetites. If he does not project these vibrations out of his system, he will become more and more agitated.
5. The quality of a man’s thoughts will be in direct ratio to his vibratory rate. Hence these sayings: “You are what you eat”, and “You are what you think”. Also can be added: “You are your vibration”.

Part I – 6. Fragmentation of Vital Energy

1. If a man knows he is the vehicle of the unseen spirit of Consciousness, then his actions will be for the spirit and not for the spirit’s vehicles of body, mind, senses, ego, etc.
2. If a man perceives he’s a ditch-digger, then he develops his body to perform the action of ditch-digging. If he perceives he is an intellectual, then he will develop his intellect to perform as an intellectual.
3. And a man who has trained his intellect but not his body will never be able to dig ditches without becoming sick and exhausted.
4. So we see how a man develops himself through his concept of what he is or what he wants to be, as laid down by a society, or if he is powerful, as laid down by himself.
5. And if a man hasn’t trained and developed himself to do the work of the spirit, then he will never be able to do it.
6. And what is this work? TO BE!

Part I – 7.  “To Be or Not To Be” 

1. Today I saw the whole workings of ego. I saw that the body or rather the nervous system and ego are not different. Just as the arms and legs are the tools for the body, so the ego-mind and nervous system are the tools for the soul. And each soul has a different rate of vibration and this is reflected in his tools.
2. Yet the multiplicity of souls, egos, bodies, etc. is just God and it is all perfect. Every ego is just working perfectly in the Whole, and our role in the lila, or drama of life is determined by our abilities. Once this is realized and not just known, then the Whole thing becomes a great joy.
3. The problem begins when we project our own concepts, even the concept of going somewhere. If our concept is broken or not fulfilled, we become unhappy and so we enter into the realm of joy and suffering, pleasure and pain, gain and loss, otherwise known as duality state of Consciousness.
4. These concepts we are forming moment-to-moment and so man’s life goes on until his lower self cries out to the higher Self for salvation. “Seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto thee”.

Part I – 8.  Love

1. What can I do to grow faster? Nothing, because I am already grown up. Everything is God. So who says I must grow? God says. Why do I not know I’m God? Because I say I’m not. Why do I say I’m not? Because I forget. Why do I forget? Because of the false identification in the mind. How can I remember? Take the mind back Home!
2. Where is Home? Home is Beyond, the Source of all and everything. This is Me. How do I go Home? Establish a complete silence in meditation and enjoy. How to enjoy more? Create more silence. What will happen? There will be less and less false identification. This means more love. What is Love? Love is Oneness.